
I want to cancel or change my order

If your order has already been fulfilled, that means that it's already on its way to you, and cannot be altered.

If it's not yet fulfilled we may be able to complete your change or cancellation request.

However, as the majority of our orders are despatched within 24 hours we cannot guarantee the success of your request. We will try our absolute best to get this sorted for you.

To make a change or cancellation request we suggest giving our Customer Care Team a call on 0116 326 27 68. Our opening hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. 

If our team are unavailable, please email us on with the information below and we will action your request as soon as possible.

Please include the code in your subject line: CHDE

- Your name

- Order number

And a description of what you would like to change on your order.

My Bag ${ cartTotalItems } ${ cartTotalItems !== 1 ? 'items' : 'item' }
There isn't anything in your bag yet.
  Your order is in the bag
Sub-total ${ moneyFormat(cartData.total_price) }